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Electric Drive

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  • Vijfhoekstraat 24, 2600 BERCHEM, Antwerpen, België
  • Moto's, bromfietsen, scooters: verkoop, verhuur & onderhoud / Overige auto & moto / Vrachtwagens en bestelwagens: verkoop, verhuur & onderhoud
  • 0477/633.923;
  • BE 0820.036.416
  • Contacteer Electric Drive

 We started already in 2007 with the distribution of EV's with focus on low-speed on-road logistical vehicles from the French OEM Goupil-Industries. Electric Drive has a leading position with clients like the Cities of Antwerp and Brussels and we ahve delivered compact EV’s to many Provincial domains like Puyenbroeck, Huizingen, Rivierenhof, De Gavers, Bokrijk and CenterParcs & SunParcs.

With more than 100 electric vehicles distributed in Belgium, Electric Drive has sold the highest number of EV’s from a single retail point in Belgium. Electric Drive’s clients have accumulated over 1 Mio km of road user experience and the company has a team with more than 30 years combined EV, automotive, mechanical and electrical engineering experience.


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