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  • Sint Bartholomeusstraat 130, 2170 MERKSEM, Antwerpen, België
  • ICT-consultants (adviesbureaus) / Internetdiensten & webdesign / Overige ICT-diensten
  • 03/290.79.11; 03/290.36.28
  • BE 0879.511.767
  • Contacteer Foreach

Our specialty is thinking across the board and helping you translate your business needs into reliable software solutions that span different channels like web, mobile, desktop and even print.

We coordinate, design, implement and support the entire technical flow of medium-sized projects, always keeping focus on the bigger picture: creating your business value in the modern multimedia landscape.

Though we do not limit ourselves to a single platform, most of our experience lies with Java, .NET and PHP.  And related to those a whole range of frameworks and tools: DBMS systems, enterprise application servers, web frameworks... from expensive closed-source solutions to free open source alternatives. 

The software development landscape is far too big to list every piece we've ever worked with, so if you have specific technical skills in mind, it's probably easiest to contact us and see if we can help you.

The projects we typically execute on our own have teams from 3 to 10 individuals.  But of course we do plenty of small projects as well and we're never shy of a new challenge. Our skills are not just technical, we alo offer functional and technical analysis, graphical design and the necessary project management.


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